It goes without saying that
stubborn fat can accumulate in many places of the body for a variety of reasons. Indeed, aging, hormones, stress, and poor diet are among some of the causes of a fatty midsection, and without proper care and regulation, you may endure significant health issues down the line because of it. Because of this, tummy tuck surgeries have become increasingly more popular, as they help to restore your shape as well as reduce your risks of health-related issues from arising. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX spa therapists explore a few post-op tips to keep in mind after receiving tummy tuck treatment.
Remain Active, in Moderation
After losing the weight to receive a tummy tuck procedure, many people fear what might happen if they begin to exercise and move as normal shortly after. While it is certainly not recommended that you partake in strenuous and intense workouts, it is also important to note that you should not just sit around either.
Indeed, activities such as exercise are very beneficial when it comes to preventing blood clots after surgery, but excessive or intensive movement can affect you negatively if you are not careful. It is recommended that in the first week after surgery, light movement such as walking around the house every hour or so can be beneficial for health purposes.
Keep in mind, however, that lifting weights, picking up children, and other activities at this level or greater should be avoided for several weeks. To learn more about movement restraints after surgery, reach out to our team today.
Follow Dietary Guidelines
Just as other procedures require you fast or cease taking certain medications beforehand, your doctor will provide instructions on what to do and what not to do before and following your procedure. What’s more? Taking care to include more fiber and protein in your diet post-operation can help prevent constipation and promote adequate healing, respectively.
In addition to adjusting your diet, you will want to prepare for your own recovery. Reduce stress by planning ahead and purchasing groceries before treatment, as well as prepare a comfortable spot surrounded by pillows for added pain alleviation. For more information about preparing for your treatment, reach out to our team.
Avoid Alcohol and Smoking
Alcohol consumption and tobacco use can interfere with the healing process, as they contribute to decreases in blood flow and other complications. Plan to cease the use of these products for a specific amount of time (depending on your frequency) before surgery so that you can ensure the substances are out of your system.
Schedule Your Next Visit
Taking care of yourself is more involved than you might expect, and our team is here to help. Contact TNS Med Spa: Health and Wellness Spa in Dallas, TX by calling 972-992-7422 to learn more about post-op treatments and schedule your visit with our team today.