Have you been trying endless creams and ointments to treat scarring from acne? These treatments can be expensive and time-exhaustive, all without any guarantee of their effectiveness. When you want an
effective form of treatment for your skin, ask about your options in microdermabrasion and microneedling.
If you are tired of looking in the mirror and seeing acne scars, our team at TNS Med Spa in Dallas, TX can help. Microdermabrasion treatment is highly effective in reducing the depth and appearance of acne scars by removing the outer layer of skin to give your newer and healthier skin a chance to thrive. Alongside microdermabrasion is microneedling, which is a minimally invasive process designed to stimulate collagen production within your body in order to keep your skin healthy and reduce blemishes and wrinkles. Both of these options provide substantial advantages for skincare, but it is important to talk to an expert about which is right for your skin type and tone. Talk to our team to learn more!
Microdermabrasion Helps You See Naturally Healthy Skin
When learning about the benefits of microneedling and microdermabrasion, it is important to understand the difference between the two. The first of these two is a technique called microdermabrasion, which gently exfoliates the skin, removing the damaged outermost layer. This allows your healthy skin underneath to come to the surface, and there are powerful skincare opportunities with this method.
This form of treatment can work particularly well for those with depressed acne scars. It is suitable for those with all skin types and tones, as well. If this sounds like you, talk to our team to discover whether microdermabrasion can help you to reduce acne scars and wrinkles.
Microneedling Can Also Help To Reduce Acne Scars
Microneedling operates in a little different way, working to stimulate the body’s production of collagen through tiny needles. These little pokes can provide serious help in the treatment of acne scars, surprisingly enough, by coaxing the body to repair itself. Through microneedling, you can also shrink the size of your pores and have a more youthful look.
With a microneedling skincare solution, you can also see powerful results with less effort. Sessions for microneedling treatment can be speedy, sometimes as quick as half an hour, and with little downtime. This means that you can improve your appearance on a lunchbreak or over the weekend.
Schedule Your Next Treatment With TNS Med Spa!
Effective skincare after acne scarring can be difficult, but it is important to remember that there is help available. To learn more about how microdermabrasion and microneedling can help you to reduce acne scars, give us a call at TNS Med Spa in Dallas, TX at (972)992-7422. Schedule your next appointment today!